KNOX app separation - Managed configuration
I recently noticed Samsung updated their documentation of App separation in december 2023.
Since Android 14 you have to option to manage App separation by applying a managed configuration to the ‘Separated apps’ app instead of using the Knox Service Plugin (KSP). Configuring through KSP still works as before but if present the managed configuration of ‘Separated apps’ takes priority.
You can configure app separation through a managed configuration of the ‘Separated apps’ app;
If you do so you can allow apps to be installed on both sides;
You can continue using KSP to configure app separation but if present a managed configuration takes precedence;
Apps in the Separated apps folder now receive deployed managed configurations.
This adds a few more options to customize our users experience and helps us to manage settings and features of apps that will be ‘separated’.
You can find more info on this topic by visiting: Separated Apps for Android 14